Natalie 10th June 2024

Missing you so much George, life is not the same without you. I miss our weekly visits and catch ups, and how, no matter what mood you were in that day, your face would light up whenever Josh and I came to visit, which filled us with so much happiness. You were such a character, constantly joking around, winding up the care home staff, and telling me Jesus was an alien, there was never a dull moment. I could see just how much you loved your grandchildren and your family, even at times where you struggled with your memory you still remembered key events in your family's lives, how you congratulated Josh and I on our engagement and asked how the new job was going. We became so close over the last 2 years, I loved hearing about your life, thoughts and beliefs. You were always so loving and kind towards me, and over the last 2 years, no matter how ill you got, you always greeted me with a "hello Natalie", which at times took a lot of energy to do, but I appreciated it every time. I'm so grateful to have been a part of your life, I loved you like you were my own Grandad. You're now at peace with Finley and Arnold, and in the future hopefully we will see each other again. Goodbye George see you later xxx